It's been ages since I've posted anything on my website. That's mostly because I've been taking a break from writing since my little girl Evie was born. It's very hard to find the time to do anything with two little kids. I'm sure most moms can relate. But I was looking through our Ireland vacations photos from October and thought I'd share a few on here. Nothing too fancy--just a quick post.
We had an awesome trip. We flew into Dublin, rented a car, and from there drove to Knocktopher Abbey--which is an abbey that has been converted into a hotel. It was so cool staying somewhere with so much history! From there we drove to different day trips each day: Kilkenny, Rock of Cashel, Cork, Blarney Castle, Waterford, and Hook name a few of the spots we visited. So we got a good feel from the SouthEastern part of Ireland. And October in Ireland was a great time to visit, a little chilly but hardly any rain. It was a great trip. I'm so glad we braved the flight with little Evie (she was 7 months at the time).